Monday 19 March 2012


I've been thinking about trying a mermaid for a while. I had a general idea of what I wanted her to look like, but it was easier said than done.

I have been working on mixing colours and made about 6 different shades of green for the tail The body is a very pale green with pearl mixed in.. I formed the body first, and then head. The face was giving me no end of problems so I kind of left it until last - not the best idea but it was frustrating me.

The tail took me ages, I could not figure out how to get the scales to work, plus I wanted to blend all my greens so it didn't look like bricks. In the end I blended the colours together, then cut them with a scalloped blade. Laid the strips so they just over lapped and ran that through the roller. Then I re-cut the resulting clay into scalloped strips again and wrapped then around the tail. I think it probably took me about 2 hours to figure out how to get the tail to work, but know I have a process I like I can do it quickly next time.

Once the tail was wrapped I formed the fin, added the hair and then went back to the face. In the end I just used sniped off headpins for eyes. No nose (well, she is a mermaid!) and no mouth, I am going go have to work out a face I like.

In the end I am really happy with my first mermaid and am going to refine her. 

Sunday 11 March 2012


The more I look at artwork created using polymer clay, the more I come to realise that I really should start experimenting with canes. So, never one to start off with easy stuff, I downloaded a tutorial on butterfly wing canes and had at it.
I'm sure I didn't do it the 'correct' way, but as an article I just read said (and I paraphrase), 'there is no wrong way in art".
Once the cane was made (looking vaguely like the one in the tutorial...) I then had to decide what to do with it. Well, make a dragon of course,

So, here it is. The next one will be better as I'm going to thin the wings out, but I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out.